Q: What does FAQ stand for??? PLZ TEL ME I REALLY NEED 2 NOE!!!!

A: Honestly, I don't know, it's something I think we'll never know.


Q: Aren't bums and hobos the same thing?

A: NO!!!!! You couldn't be more wrong! you see, bums are homeless no hopers, they live on the street! Hobos, hobos are magical creatures, they're full of amazing and inspiring stories, and they live wherever the wind takes them [on the street]


Q: Why does this site suck SO MUCH?

A: Elementary my dear Watson, this site is not only made by an idiot who has little to no website building skills, but due to a LACK OF FUNDING, it's hosted by those shitty servers. The same ones you probably used when you were 11 to make a website about your dog, or your granny uses to document her cruise ship adventures.. GOD DAMN I HATE GEOCITIES


Q: why are there so many ads? can't you just pay for a proper site hoster?

A: No, although Addie recently won a dance scolarship for "horsey horsey" the FUNDING mysteriously never came through. MYSTERIOUS.


Q: What day is it?

A: Saturday


Q: What happened to billy?

A: Billy was beaten to death with a baseball bat whilst lying in his hospital bed just after recieving life-saving kemotherapy

Q: what came first, the chicken or the egg?

A: you know what? just shut up! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! you wanna know what came first? YO MOMMA came first!

Q: wut is u wearin'?

A: NOT MUCH behbah

Q: where can I download free midget porn?

A: it's called kazaa dickhead


Q: When was this site "erected"?

A: Ah, that all depends on what you mean by "erected", but I'm guessing some time around 2003, I WAS 14, GIVE ME A BREAK


Q: How old are you losers? 3?!

A: Myself [Addie] and Elmo [Ellie] are at the ripe age 18 now, our under developed friend Teresa [Tess] however, is 7 years of age.


Q: I have no idea who any of these "celebrities" you speak of are, who are they??

A: Most celebrities we leak the truth on are Australian, as we are from the USA, YEAH!!!! USA PRIDE!!! Its make sense, your know it.


By the way, you may notice that if you visit a lot of pages some of them stop working, this is because some of the pages are hosted by GEOSHITTIES and geocities is A FUCKED UP PIECE OF SHIT HOSTING SERVICE THAT RUINS YOUR WEBSITE AND POSSIBLY YOUR LIFE!

Yes that's right, geocities is the nightmare you wake up sweating from each and every night, geocities is the reason you fear walking down the street alone in the dark, geocities are the peadophiles that snach your children from your arms, geocities are the bloodsucking mosquitos that give you malaria on your holiday to Vietnam, geocities are the fat pigs feeding off your money trough, geocities are holding a gun to your head right now! Aren't they? Can you feel the cold metal against your temple??!?! Just remember, everytime you feel that life is getting you down or there's just no point of living anymore, THAT'S GEOCITIES!

note: shouldn't effect all pages. <- LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1